Our Science | Thomas.co

Our Science

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Our Science

The market’s most robust psychometric science

Since its inception by Dr Thomas Hendrickson, Thomas’ psychometric science has been advancing performance for organisations worldwide.

robust science icon


Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS), which follows the guidelines of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA), Thomas assessments meet stringent requirements for validity, accuracy and fairness unmatched by most market alternatives.

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Thomas’ dedicated team of psychometrists and data scientists continually improves the accuracy of assessment outcomes through benchmark research and ever-expanding global datasets, enabling us to demonstrate reliability across languages and cultures.

Detailed Report


To minimise the impact of geographical, cultural and other potential biases on our assessments, we continually undertake research and development to ensure assessment results are balanced and fair across diverse cultures, languages and demographics.

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Our assessments hero

The science of our assessments

Grounded in independently validated psychometric science, Thomas assessments provide insight into a person’s behaviour, personality, aptitude and emotional intelligence, informing fair and inclusive people decisions and agile workforce planning.

World class psychometric science


Norm group research

To ensure that our assessments are accurate and fair for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background or other demographic categories, we undertake continuous norm group research.


Sector benchmarking

Thomas also undertakes research programmes with partners in the private sector. Discover benchmark study insights that have transformed performance for organisations.


Affiliate research

Thomas’ psychometrists and data scientists are active participants in the research community, contributing to academic publications, journals and conferences.


Data science

Our data science team develops insights into how people interact and work together. Learn more about how we are leveraging global datasets to create value for individuals and organisations.



Differences in processing information, thought and behaviour are directly linked with assessment taking. Learn about how we guard against bias, and best practices for supporting neurodiverse candidates on our blog.