Tulisa Mjobo | Thomas.co

Tulisa Mjobo

Tulisa Mjobo
Customer Service
Tulisa Mjobo
Ambiguity Accceptance
Perceptual Speed
Number Speed & Accuracy
Impulse Control
Emotion Expression

What is your role at Thomas?

Customer Enablement Specialist – as a team we focus on delivering a valuable service to our internal and external clients by providing expert advise on how to effectively use the Thomas assessments and solutions

What is the best thing about working at Thomas?

Without doubt, the collaboration and friendly culture. Everyone is always willing to support and they always display kindness and friendliness  

What do your assessments say about you? 

That I am a bit of a talker and friendly while also setting very high standards for myself when doing my work. Also, they indicate that rules are important to me and getting things done thoroughly.

What do you most enjoy outside of Thomas?

Enjoying a couple of drinks in the company of friends and loved ones. I'm also promising myself that I’ll join the gym 'for real' every year 😊